Isotopic composition of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous mafic igneous rocks from the southernmost Andes: impllcations for Sub-Andean mantle

Charles R. Stern


ABSTRACT. A basaltic dike and minerals within a gabbro from the ophiolitic Tortuga Complex, a portion of the mafic floor of the Late Jurassic Rocas Verdes back-arc basin in southernmost South America, have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70323 to 0.70429. This range is due to variations in the amount of seawater which interacted with different pseudostratigraphic levels of the Tortuga Complex during the 'ocean floor' hydrothermal metamorphism that affected the Rocas Verdes. An original magmatic 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7031 is estimated for the mafic igneous rocks of the Tortuga Complex, which along with ENd¡ values of +6.8 to +7.6, is within the range of Late Jurassic depleted asthenospheric mantle. This is consistent with the previous documented oceanic petrochemical and structural character of the Tortuga Complex. Early Cretaceous Barros Arana basalts, which were erupted on the continental platform along the eastern edge of the Rocas Verdes Basin, have similar initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7030, but lower ENd¡ value of +5.0 to +5.2. This is interpreted as reflecting a contribution from the Mesozoic subcontinental lithospheric mantle, which like the current lithospheric mantle below southernmost South America, has isotopic characteristics indicating time-integrated depletion of large-ion-lithophile elements. The data support the suggestion that, by contrast, even the most mafic gabbros of the Patagonian batholith have incorporated crustal components. RESUMEN. Un dique basaltico y minerales de un gabro del Complejo ofiolitico Tortuga, pertenecientes al suelo malico igneo de la cuenca trasarco Rocas Verdes del Jurasico Superior en el extremo sur de Sudamerica, tienen razones iniciales de 87Sr/86Sr desde 0,70323 hasta 0,70429. Este intervalo se debio a las variaciones en la cantidad de agua oceanica que interactuo con los diferentes niveles seudoestratigraficos del Complejo Tortuga, durante el episodio de metamorfismo hidrotermal de 'fondo oceanico', que afecto a las Rocas Verdes. Se ha estimado una razon magmatica original de 87Sr/86Sr de 0,7031 para las rocas igneas maficas del Complejo Tortuga, la cual, junto a su ENd¡ de +6,8 a +7,6, se encuentra dentro del intervalo de valores del manto astenosferico empobrecido del Jurasico Superior. Esto es consistente con el caracter oceanico, petroquimico y estructural, previamente documentado para el Complejo Tortuga. Los basaltos de la Formacion Barros Arana (Cretacico Inferior), productos de erupcion en la plataforma continental, a lo largo del borde oriental de la Cuenca Rocas Verdes, tienen una razon inicial 87Sr/86Sr similar (0,7030), pero ENd¡ mas bajo (+5,0 a +5,2). Esto se interpreta como un reflejo de la contribucion del manto litosferico subcontinental, mesozoico, que, como el actual manto litosferico bajo el extremo sur de Sudamerica, tiene caracteristicas isotopicas indicativas de un empobrecimiento integrado a traves del tiempo por elementos litofilos de iones grandes. La informacion disponible apoya la idea de que, por el contrario, hasta los gabros mas maficos del Batolito Patagonico han incorporado componentes corticales.

How to cite this article Stern, C. 1991, Isotopic composition of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous mafic igneous rocks from the southernmost Andes: impllcations for Sub-Andean mantle. Revista Geológica de Chile 18 (1) : 15-23. .